Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Extra - Astonishing #4 - "The Nightmare"

Here's the deal-ee-OH, creeps and creepettes:

Your Barker LUVS the Halloween, and LUVS U, so every hour from now until Midnight (the bitchin' witchin' hour), he's gonna post up a mess of spine-chilling and heart-thrilling horror tales to grab you by the short hairs!

This first tale is from Astonishing #4, published in June 1951 by Marvel Comics, and is entitled "The Nightmare!" It's by Hank "Chappy" Chapman (Script), and Wayne "Never" Boring (Pencils & Inks)!

Enjoy, and I'll see you in an hour for more!

click each pic to enlarge for reading

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